This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

WKSH01 Data Carpentry: Species Interaction Data Workshop: Knowledge Base

Key Points

Getting Interaction Data
  • GloBI has interaction data that can be accessed as a full dataset

  • Better to use the full or whole dataset than the APIs

Working with the Whole Dataset
  • There is a lot of interaction data available and shell is one helpful tool to reduce the size of the dataset.

  • Sharing code helps everyone.

Exploring Ixodes (tick) Records By Pointing and Clicking
  • Web tools are for exploring indexed data and providing feedback

  • Web tools facilitate communication within biodiversity data community

  • Web tools are dynamic and subject to change

Working with Data Sources
  • GloBI is built using existing data sources

  • Data sources are continously and automatically indexed by GloBI

  • GloBI provides automated reviews of data sources

Data Sources: Taxonomic Name Review
  • Taxonomic name linking facilitates discovery, review, and interpretation, of interaction records

  • GloBI uses a versioned taxonomic name map to map verbatim names into known taxonomic schemes

  • GloBI attempts to provide reasonable links using a controlled and iterative process

  • GloBI taxonomic name linking process is likely imperfect and subjective

Data Sources: Interaction Data Record Review
  • There are many ways to access GloBI reviews.

  • GloBI reviews can help data managers better understand their data and how GloBI interprets it.